Monday, October 15, 2007

And A Child Shall Lead Them...

Yesterday was one of those Sundays that becomes etched in your heart and changes who you are. Our congregation has been wonderful to my family through our struggles and has made a point of lifting us up in prayer continually. Normally our preacher begins or ends his lesson with a prayer and always prays for my sister (Lori) and my family. For some reason he did not do it yesterday. His lesson came and went with no prayer at all. To be honest, I noticed but was not upset by it.
When the invitation song came, a four year old boy (Carter) went forward. Everyone noticed of course. Some smiles and some snickers but mostly perplexed looks. He went up and whispered something in the preachers ear. When everyone sat down the preacher said that Carter came forward to remind him that we had not prayed for Lori. We were all stunned. The preacher then asked Carter to come up and lead us in prayer and that any man who would like to could come up after him to lead in prayer. That little boy started what would be a life changing event. His prayer was the sweetest I have ever heard. After Carter finished, his father came up and then the Elders one by one and then... 45 minutes later the entire congregation was gathered around the stage and on the stage holding hands, praying and crying.
What was even more amazing is that we were in worship for more that two hours and I don't think anyone left. When I think of the pain my sister is going through it is hard to find any good. But then a four year old boy steps up to remind me that God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

1 comment:

cwinwc said...

What a special boy! Powerful story and your church is a very special place.