Wednesday, September 12, 2007

On The Joy Kick

OK, I am still on the "joy" kick. I have been focused on the subject of joy for days now. I have read every passage of scripture that uses any form of the word "joy". I have also considered the Greek. So this is a little of what I have found. Are you ready?

The Greek word most often translated "joy" is "chara". It has only one meaning and one meaning only, "joy". It is used in the New Testament 62 times. The word is most often associated with the believer. It is clearly something given by God and received by the believer. It is described as a "fullness", "unspeakable" and "indescribable". We are also told that we can have this joy in the midst of trial, pain and struggle. What a blessing it is to be a child of God!

The Joy of the Lord, it is my strength, I will not falter, I will not faint!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

So Much "Gooder"

While life is full of problems, pain and struggle, it is also full of life, love and joy in Christ Jesus. No matter how bad the bad gets, the good in Christ is so much "gooder"!

Yesterday, God's Spirit gently reminded me of this fact. I woke up at 5:30am being reminded that my ribs are cracked and my leg is broken. I somehow managed to get out of the bed to find that my dog had gotten sick during the night. I then learned that it is very difficult to clean up "dog sickness" with a broken leg. Needless to say, at this point I was not looking forward to the day.

Then I began my prayer and study time. For some reason the word "joy" filled my mind. I began to look at all the passages that talk about joy in Christ. Jude 24 "before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy", I John 1:4 "that your joy may be full", I Peter 4:13 "you may be glad with exceeding joy", I Peter 1:8 "rejoice with joy unspeakable" and the list goes on. Basically, no matter how bad it gets, in Christ, the good is so much "gooder"! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Monday, September 3, 2007

No Pain, No Gain?

Why do we try so hard to explain pain away? We somehow believe that if we create some kind of purpose behind the pain, it does not hurt as bad. On Saturday I took a little tumble off of my roof. It seems that some of the shingles that were causing the leek were not attached to the roof at all. Therefore, when a 165 pound man steps on them, they begin to slide downward and take the 165 pound man with them. In the end, I suffered cracked ribs and a broken leg.

On Sunday, one of the older women at church asked me what happened. After I went through the story she just laughed and said, "well, no pain, no gain." I of course laughed along with her and then went away wondering what that really means. I understand it in the context of working toward a goal. However, does all pain produce gain? Does pain by its very nature lead to some kind of profit? Perhaps I have missed a Bible class or slept through a sermon, but I am not sure I agree with that concept. Some pain is just pain. It hurts and is not good. I do believe that God will give you what you need to survive the pain. I also believe that in the end God will work "everything together for good to those who love Him." But some pain is just pain.

I just thought I would share my bright and encouraging thoughts as you start your week. lol