Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home

I love home. Some people love to travel but not me, I am a homebody. I spent the last week in Nashville working on my sister's house. I enjoyed seeing my girlfriend who lives in Nashville and I even enjoyed the work. Yet, I am so glad to be home. To sit at my kitchen table, drink out of my coffee cup, and sleep in my bed.

A friend called last night to see if I wanted to go down to the coast and do some fishing for a few days. My answer - "no thank you". As much as I love to fish, I am not leaving home. He told me that I am really an old man in a 21 year old body. That might be true, but this old man is staying home.

As for an update on my sister, she is getting stronger everyday and her counts are looking better. Of course, as soon as she is well enough she will go for another set of treatments and the cycle starts all over. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers. Have a great day!

Friday, August 24, 2007

When It Rains, It Pours and God is Still Good!

I am beginning to believe the old saying, "when it rains it pours." It seems like everything happens at once. I am currently in the Nashville area checking on my sister's house. When she found out how bad her cancer was she put the house on the market and moved back to live with my parents. Because the real estate market is currently dead the house has been sitting empty for some time now. The other day one of her neighbors called to report that the house had been vandalized. So I took the first plane out of Dodge to check it out.

It is difficult to explain the emotions I felt as I walked into this house. At one time it was full of life. Lori, her husband, the two dogs, the fish and countless plants. Outside were two horses, some cows and of course chickens. Now the house seemed broken and sad, almost dead. The back door was broken in and had been replaced with a sheet of plywood. The kitchen appliances were beaten up and turned over. Several holes had been knocked in walls and curse words spray painted on them.

My first emotions were of anger, resentment and self pitty. I am ashamed to admit those feelings, yet I would not be human if I did not have them. Shortly after arriving my cell phone rang. It was Lori. She wanted to know how things looked. I wanted to lie and tell her it was fine, but I didn't. I walked through the house and described everything in detail. Lori was silent at first and then simply said, "thanks Bro, it's going to be ok 'cause God is still good!"

Wow! That was just what I needed to hear. Now as I am trying to get the house back in order, those words follow me with each step I take, "God is still good!" So as you deal with the difficulties that come your way, remember that when it rains, it pours and God is still good!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Hate Shopping!

There are not many things in life that I truly hate. I could make a long list of things I don't like very much like cleaning up after a sick dog or the great D/F.W. traffic. But I can't say I hate them. They don't drive me crazy to the point of insanity.

While I cannot say that I exactly hate shopping, I can say that is drives me really close to that breaking point. I am a "get in and get out" shopper. I know what I want, I go in, get it and leave. But then there is my dear mother. She loves to shop. I mean she really loves to shop, it's like at the top of her list of "most wonderful things."

Last night I was somehow talked in to going to the mall with mom. I know what you are thinking, "Jordan, it is your own fault." And you are right, I was asking for it. I should have known better. I think I would have enjoyed poking toothpicks through my eyelids more. Of course she did deceive me. She told me that we were going to just run into the Sharper Image store really fast to get a special pillow for my sister. While we did run into the Sharper Image store really fast, we did so by way of about 20 other stores. My biggest mistake was asking my mother where to park. You see, because I do not shop, I do not know where the stores are in the mall. So my mom put us at the other end of the mall from our intended destination.

The highlight of the night was when my mother decided to try on seven different outfits. Then of course none of them were right and she left without getting anything. To top it all off, they did not have the pillow we were looking for so we didn't get that either. The only purchase of the night was when I ran into the grocery store to buy Advil.

The moral of this story, I don't shop and I will never be tricked again!
Have a great day.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Money Pit

Home ownership has always been a goal of mine. I decided at age 15 that I would be a home owner by age 22. With hard work and with my dad agreeing to put his name on the loan with me, I met that goal. For the most part, home ownership has been everything I anticipated. I love knowing that I can paint, replace and repair as I choose. I love sitting on my porch in the evening, knowing that it's my porch.

However, I am quickly learning the downside to home ownership. In the last two weeks I have had the "bearings" replaced in the air handler for the air conditioning, the septic tank pumped, the electrician out to hunt down a mysterious power outage in my garage and then yesterday I broke my toilet. Yes, my toilet (I will save that story for another entry). Needless to say, home ownership ain't always what it is cracked up to be.

I am beginning to learn the lesson "grass is always greener on the other side." Of course as soon as you move to the other side, you fall in the money pit.

Have a Blessed Lord's Day!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Praising God in Isolation

My sister is unable to have visitors at this time due to her cancer treatments. Only my parents are able to see her. She has been very sick and they had to shorten this set of treatments due to her health.

Yesterday my mother delivered a letter to me from my sweet sister. She had dictated the words to my mother who put pen to paper for her. While I have no desire to publicize my sisters ordeal or her thoughts, there is a short portion of her letter that may be a blessing to some of you. I thought I would share that portion with you this morning. I hope it blesses you as it did me.

"While my future on this earth is somewhat uncertain, my eternal future is sure. Jordan, please know that while I am still fighting this cancer, I am ready to go home when the call comes. For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I know the peace that passeth all understanding. God is so good! ..."

God brings us strength in many different ways. I know that God sent me strength through my sister's letter. God really is so good!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

21 Going On 50

I hate to go back to the age issue yet again, but oh well. On Sunday, one of the young adults told me that I was 21 going on 50. It was because I was trying to help the young adult class see the older member's point of view. I did not say that I agreed with them, I just thought we needed to consider things from their point of view. My point was that unity trumps opinion. And for the sake of unity we should look at issues with an open mind, considering the other people involved.

So, am I old because I think we should look at all sides of an issue? Am I old because I think that unity trumps opinion? Am I old because I think that if we are not careful we can be just as guilty of being "bull headed" and "close minded" as the older members?

I realize that I am sounding frustrated, but I am not. It has just been on my mind. I sometimes wonder if I am older than my years or if I am just plain crazy.
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Lesson Of Old For The Church Today

Recently, my personal study has taken me to the book of Nehemiah. I am currently on my fourth read of this amazing book. I can't seem to get enough of it. Every time I read through it I gain new insights.
In my opinion, Nehemiah probably has more practical application for the church today than any single Old Testament book. It is a "how to" for unity, commitment, direction and overcoming.
As a "young whippersnapper" who thinks he can run right in and change things, this study has caused me to slow down. It has helped me realize that we have to come together as a body to build. The walls and gates did not fall down overnight and they will not be rebuilt overnight. It requires patience, love, understanding and above all reliance on God.
If you have not already, take a walk through Nehemiah. This lesson of old has great application for the church of today.

Friday, August 10, 2007

So Young, Yet So Old

It is interesting how age seems to be a matter of perspective. Before I go on, let me say that I know I am very young and that I lack experience. Having said that, the state of one's age seems to be based on which side of it you stand.
On Wednesday night I went to pick up my assigned kids for Bible study. We have an inner city program that our young adults operate and I do pick ups on Wednesday nights. Darius, a sweet 12 year old boy asked me what I thought when man first landed on the moon. He said that he had just watched a program about it. On the program they mentioned that many people at the time did not believe it was really happening. He wanted to know if I doubted it at the time. I asked him how old he thought I was. He told me that I had to be at least 40. Of course even if I were, I would not have been around for the moon landing.
Then after Bible class, an older member (I won't venture to assume her age as she did mine), came up and asked if I was mowing yards this summer to get a little extra cash. I explained that I would be glad to mow her yard for free. She went on to say that she lost her yard boy and she new there had to be a boy at church that would want to earn some money. I then asked her, "out of curiosity, how old do you think I am?" To which she replied, "I'd say you are about the same age as my great grandson and he is about 14."
One night, two very different perspectives. In the end it does not really matter. Yet, there is a lesson there. The view was the same for both people. I had not changed in the matter of an hour. But their perspective was based upon which side of the timeline they were standing on. This is worth remembering as we deal with people at church and work. It is all a matter of perspective. So young, yet so old.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Blessings in the Small Things

While I do not believe that God directly brings heartache and tragedy to His people, I do believe He will use those situations to admonish, teach and even bless. Over the last few years God has taught me many things. Last night I found myself making a list of the things God has taught me through adversity. Here is part of my list:
1. Look back to learn but not to wall er. Back in Alabama, my grandparents had hogs. Those hogs loved to wall er. They would get down in that mud and just stay there for hours. While it is important to learn from our past, we can't afford to wall er.
2. Happiness is a choice. God has blessed me with the freedom of choice. Though some would not agree, I believe we have a great deal of control over our attitudes and even emotions. Ultimately, I choose to rejoice in suffering or to die in it. I believe the Apostle Paul would agree with me on that.
3. It is more work to look for blessings instead of problems but far more rewarding. Problems are everywhere and they seem to jump out at us. Yet blessings are even more abundant, they just are not always as easy to find. It reminds me of the books "Finding Waldo." Waldo was in every single picture, you just had to look for him. Blessings are everywhere, if we look. Blessings don't have to be big. It may be a warm cup of coffee, my dog going all night without having to be walked, a glorious sunrise or a pleasant day at work. I find that when I spend my time looking for the blessings, I have less time to look for the problems. About a year ago my sister gave me a "blessing journal." Every night I write down the days blessings. It has truly changed my life. Perhaps when the pages are full I will start a "blessing blog."
4. Finally, the greatest lesson I have learned: GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

God's People Are Amazing!

Whenever I start to get a little down on the Church, God always does something to remind me of the blessings in Kingdom living. Last night was one of those times. Last night my family was sharing a final meal together before my sister begins a two week round of chemo treatments that will take her very close to death. It is a dark time for our family in that we lost my brother to suicide two years ago and my sister lost her husband in a four wheeler accident a few months back. The thought of my sister going through this battle has been difficult for all of us.
As we were eating, my dad thought he saw someone outside the dining room window. He went to look out and as he did, burst into tears. He fell on the floor crying. We all went to the window to see that my parents house was surrounded by our church family. They were all holding hands and praying. When they finished, they quietly returned to their cars and left. Wow!
I cannot begin to explain the flood of emotions that came over me. It is so good to be living in the Kingdom. As we deal with all of the junk of this world, our Heavenly Father lovingly reminds us that He is still in control and He is still love.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

"Do you have faith?"

In my line of work I have opportunity to get into lengthy discussions with people. During my brief career I have gotten caught up in all kinds of talk. I have heard life stories, family secrets and even some frightening confessions. Yet, yesterday's conversation was a new one for me. I was working with this 22 year old college football player. He was big, really big. He was also one of these guys who kind of looked like he had been hit in the head one too many times. As I was working with him in complete silence, out of his mouth pops this questions - "Jordan, do you have faith?"

Wow, where did that come from? "What do you mean, do I have faith? Of course I have faith?" He then said, "Well who do you have faith in?"

This not only began an interesting conversation but also has made me look within myself. I was awake much of the night asking myself the question, "Jordan, do you have faith?" Not my dad's faith, or mom's faith but Jordan's faith. Now that I am on my own and out of "daddy's house" I can only rely on my personal faith. Just food for thought as we begin this day dedicated to our God. Have a blessed day of faith.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Remember When?

Last night was a first for me. I went to Cracker Barrel and purchased a two seater rocking chair for my front porch. When I got home I sat there with a Sun Drop and a moon pie and just rocked. As I sat there I thought of all of those summer nights in Alabama at my "Granny's" house. The adults would sit on the front porch rocking and the kids would be running around catching fire flies, throwing a softball in the dark or playing freeze tag. I remember wondering why the adults would just want to sit there and rock.

Now I have my own porch and my own rocker. All I want to do is sit and rock. No I don't feel old, I know I am still a kid with more growing up to do. But there is a great deal to be said for taking the time to sit on the porch. Taking the time to reflect on the day and on life. I don't know for sure, but front porches may be why my grandparents have been able to eat Southern Cookin for eighty years and still survive. Remember when?

Friday, August 3, 2007

Just a Cup Of Soup

Yesterday was just one of those days. I was running all day. First to work out, then to work, then to practice, then back to work, then to church to help lay carpet and finally home. At the end of the day I put my back pack on the table and started unloading it. Gym shorts (ewww), Bible, note pad, and a Cup of Soup. I had thrown it in that morning with plans for lunch. As I pulled it out, I realized I had not eaten anything all day. It was now 9:30pm and I had not even had time to be hungry.

As I held that soup in my hand it dawned on me that I had just written previously about time. It also occurred to me that I had not seen my sister at all that day. So here is my thought for the day. Instead of trying to cram as much as we can into the time we have, perhaps we should stop and take the time for a simple cup of soup.
Have a blessed day.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It's About Time

Funny thing about time, there never seems to be enough of it. We are always rushing around trying to get things done "in time." We are always thinking about what we could do if we only had "more time."
Personally, time has never been an issue for me. I never have really concerned myself with it. "Don't worry, be happy" has been my motto. I would "get there when I got there." I did not allow myself to be stressed over issues of time.
However, now my 24 year young sister is fighting cancer and suddenly time is of the essence. The funny thing about time is that it's all a matter of perspective. We all have the exact same amount of it. I have the same amount today that I had a year ago and yet it is suddenly far more precious to me. Now I find myself making charts and schedules. I make sure that I am not late and I make the most of all that I do. And of course, my most precious time are the moments with my sister. I cannot seem to get enough time with her. There are never enough hours in the day and time seems to slip away so quickly.
Thankfully, in Christ time ultimately does not matter. For in Christ, we function on God's eternal clock. I try to continually remind myself that my sister and I are both working on God's time, not ours. God is not concerned with seconds, minutes, hours, days or even years. God is focused on my eternal schedule. The funny thing about God's time, there is always more of it. Praise God!