Monday, October 29, 2007

Moving Fast

On Friday, my girlfriend and I flew to Nashville. We were picked up by friends and taken directly to the U-Haul store. By 9pm we were at the storage facility loading the truck and got to bed at about 2am on Saturday morning (me in a hotel and her at a friends house). By 8am on Saturday we were on the road. We took good old I40 to Memphis so she could pick up a few things from her parents home. We stayed there Saturday night and worshiped with her family on Sunday morning. We then hit the road again stopping only for gas, bathroom breaks and worship on Sunday evening.
Well, needless to say, it was a whirlwind trip and I am exhausted. But I am also scared to death. While this trip was a fast one, our relationship has quickly moved to another level as well. She has moved from Tennessee to Texas because of me. I have so many emotions as a result. I am humbled that the most amazing woman I know would bless me with her love. I am amazed that the most amazing woman I know could possibly love me. And I am scared to death that I am somehow going to mess this up.
So that's it. Everything has been moving really fast. But that's ok by me. I will keep enjoying the ride.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh Fill My Cup

Our Midweek Young Adult class at church is currently in a study of the Holy Spirit. It has been an amazing and transforming study for us all. Until now, I really don't remember the Spirit being mentioned very much in church. We would quickly read through any mentions of Him in scripture and on occasion refer to Him as part of the Godhead. Whenever a question was raised about Him, the panned answer of "He works through the Word" would be recited.
Now that we have been into this study for several months, I am both amazed and ashamed. I am amazed at all the Spirit tells us about Himself in His word. I am ashamed at how ignorant I have been of His power and work. Just one such passage is Ephesians 3:14ff. Here Paul shares an amazing gift, the source and purpose of strength in the inner man. My spiritual strength comes from the Holy Spirit as He works within me. How in the world did anyone ever get the idea that the Spirit works only through the Word? I asked my dad that question last night and he gave me another panned answer that I won't bother to share. But as for me, I trust that God has filled me to the fullness of Him. Praise God!

Friday, October 19, 2007

So Much Fun

My girlfriend recently moved here from the Nashville area. I seems that I was some kind of motivation, or perhaps she just loves this awesome Texas weather. Either way, it has been a blessing to have her near me. She has been a huge help to my family during a difficult time and she is a bright light in each day for me.

Yesterday she called me at work and told me we had a project and I was to meet her at Wally World after work. Upon arriving, she shared with me her plan. My sister has been talking about how much she misses her jogs in the park and being outdoors. So my girlfriend decided to bring the park to my sister. We bought a kiddy pool, rubber ducks, a park bench and lots of plants. It filled up my truck and her car. We then created a beautiful park in my sisters room. Complete with a pond and ducks. lol My girlfriend then went to KFC and picked up all the fixins for a picnic. My sister could only eat a little of the gravy but our picnic in the park was loads of fun.

So here is my point. No matter how difficult a situation might become, you can almost always find a way to enjoy the blessings of God. If you do, it really is so much fun!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Running on Empty

Due to the gas prices, I have a tendancy to wait as long as possible to fill up my tank. Last night was no exception. As I was leaving work that little red "gas tank" light came on. Well, for me that means I can go another 15 miles before I have to fill up. So I set my trip meter and headed over to see my sister. Of course I did not remember or notice the little red light when I got back in my truck to go home. So yes, you have guessed it. I ran out of gas. I was 1/4 a mile from my house too. It was not a big deal because I just walked home and got the gas can, but it did make me think.
How many of us do the same thing in our spiritual lives? We allow ourselves to drain down spiritually to the point that the warning light comes on. Of course that just means we can go another 15 miles. We get so caught up in life that we don't take the time to fill up our spiritual tanks. I see fellow Christians in my church family that fall into this trap all the time. And yes, I am guilty as well. So when you get done blogging today, go fill up your tank!

Monday, October 15, 2007

And A Child Shall Lead Them...

Yesterday was one of those Sundays that becomes etched in your heart and changes who you are. Our congregation has been wonderful to my family through our struggles and has made a point of lifting us up in prayer continually. Normally our preacher begins or ends his lesson with a prayer and always prays for my sister (Lori) and my family. For some reason he did not do it yesterday. His lesson came and went with no prayer at all. To be honest, I noticed but was not upset by it.
When the invitation song came, a four year old boy (Carter) went forward. Everyone noticed of course. Some smiles and some snickers but mostly perplexed looks. He went up and whispered something in the preachers ear. When everyone sat down the preacher said that Carter came forward to remind him that we had not prayed for Lori. We were all stunned. The preacher then asked Carter to come up and lead us in prayer and that any man who would like to could come up after him to lead in prayer. That little boy started what would be a life changing event. His prayer was the sweetest I have ever heard. After Carter finished, his father came up and then the Elders one by one and then... 45 minutes later the entire congregation was gathered around the stage and on the stage holding hands, praying and crying.
What was even more amazing is that we were in worship for more that two hours and I don't think anyone left. When I think of the pain my sister is going through it is hard to find any good. But then a four year old boy steps up to remind me that God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Evergreen Elders

I have known for some time that our church family is blessed to have Godly Shepherds. They are true Shepherds who lead their flock with love, compassion and wisdom. But the events of the last two days stand as a great reminder of their love and our great God.

On Wednesday night I went to Bible Study but I was not really "in the zone." I was there in body but not in spirit. One of our Elders came up to me, wrapped his arms around me and said, "Jordan, start talking, just let it all go." So I did, I went on and on about my sister. I talked about her faith, her pain and how difficult it has been to see her "wither away." We sat there in front of everyone and cried and prayed together. It was truly an encouragement to me, but I figured that would be the end of it. I was wrong.
Last night my doorbell rang. Standing there were all four of our Elders. They had a big potted plant with them that they lugged into my living room. After the regular hugs and casual conversation, they began to explain the plant. Each Elder had something to say. They read scripture, read poems and prayed. They told me that this plant was an evergreen tree. They went on to say that they believed the evergreen tree was a good representation of my sisters spirit. They said that in the dead of winter, the evergreen will continue to produce new foliage. Likewise, even though her body is wasting away, like this tree, her spirit is becoming more and more new (like Jesus)everyday. They encouraged me not to focus on the outward body, but her inner person who is "evergreen." Wow, I was blown away. And again I thought that was the end of it.
This morning my mother called me. She said that an evergreen tree has been planted outside my sisters window with a note that read "We will come by and explain later, the Elders." Wow again! God is good!

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm Back - Sorta

I have been away for a while now. I have not been in the blogging mood. I'm still not actually. But I figured that I had better make an appearance.
Please keep my sister and my parents in your prayers. My sisters health is failing fast and my parents and struggling. This is the second child they will lose. I am the youngest and when my sister goes home, I will be their last remaining child on this earth. I can't imagine the pain they have suffered, though I have watched it every step of the way. Please lift them in prayer often.